Endorsement: The Darkroom

When I tell people that I still shoot film, the first question (besides “why?”) is always “Where do you get it developed?”. Up until two years ago, I had one reliable local source. Then, they shut their doors. I was surprised, but I shouldn’t have been.

After some searching online, I found The Darkroom. They’ve been processing film since 1976, and have really nailed offering the service online. Their process is set up to be as easy as possible. Their online forms are simple and clear, and they generate ready-to-print postage. All you need is your film and a padded envelope. With a little patience, you’ll be sent a link with scans of your images. A few days later, they’ll send back your negs, with options of prints, and your scans on physical media. Done. Most of the turnaround time is in the mailing. They usually provide the link to your scans within 24-36 hours of receipt.

I just order processing and scans, since I like to make my own prints. There’s one drawback with their scanning. For medium format 6x6 film, like I shoot, the scans actually end up being smaller files than scans for 35mm. Because of this, I always opt for the Super Scans. The quality is excellent, and the negs are spotless, if I choose to re-scan myself. I also ordered one of their canvas wraps recently, and it turned out great, with good color and tight finishing.

The bottom line: If you want to keep shooting film, the folks at The Darkroom might just become your best friends.